Thursday, January 04, 2007


Just left my therapy session. Today's Topic? Human Sexuality. Specific Human? Me. (Just lucky I guess.)

We discussed my sexuality as influenced by my mother's psychotic delusions and her belief that sex was shameful and dirty.

My sexuality as a source of contradiction, courtesy of my faith. I grew up Catholic -therefore, sex is for procreative purposes only. Anything outside of that is a sin. However, I belonged to a "progressive" church (if only my mother and the Pope had known), and they taught that God made sex pleasurable as a gift.

We reviewed my sexuality through interaction during my teenage years. (That was a short conversation.)

And I made an admission. One I never expected to speak aloud. (Big oops. But I said it. I suppose it's a good thing.)

Now, I'm ready for a big old piece of chocolate and a spicy romance novel. (Sublimation? Nah....?)


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